Hittin' the Road

"Hittin' the Road"
Gives resources and ideas on how to take your homeschool on the road.

"Our Travels"
Documents some of the places we've traveled and also how they enhanced our studies.
Our Travel Log
The link to our blog spot, also our essays and other writings about homeschooling on the road.

Written in 2005:

If you camp, you know the smell. The one that grabs your nose when you air out that tent and unpack those sleeping bags. If you stored your gear correctly, it's not mildew. No this smell is adventure. The campfire, the orange blossoms, the sea, the wonderful scents you encountered the last time you hit the trail.

At our house it starts with an idea from a book, a video, junk mail, a movie a photo. It goes something like this. "Let's go to the Amazon." The look. "Well, how about a remote island that you can only get to by boat?" Google is our friend. I have a travel budget. I fund that pot early in the year, so if this sort of request comes early enough in the year, we may end up in the Amazon or Bora Bora. If this suggestion comes when the pot is almost empty, we may end up on a local lake. We have travelin' feet. It doesn't take much to get us on the road.


Our Travels & Tales

Travel Log - I have found that even though I put the locations and dates on the backs of the thousands of images I have captured, as I get older my memory fails and the notes I keep when we travel are now becoming more and more treasured. What you'll find here are the notes I have kept while we homeschool on the road.

Our Travels - Read about our travels and how I implemented them into our studies. Organized by the headers: Topic (What we studied), Subject(s) (the "subject" the travel "covered"), Destination (where we did the study) and Items to Explore (what we offer to explore for your own look at what we did.


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