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Guatemala, Central America
"The high country in Guatemala is not for the accidental tourist. To be a true traveler, you must remember to take the culture as it is and to not compare it to American standards. The rural Mayan live very well and are accustomed to hard work, hard play and a dedication to traditional ways."

Want to really study the Mayan culture? There is nothing like actually going there.


Topic Subject(s) Student Accomplishment "Grade" we did this study at Log Book Entry
Mayan Indians World Culture, Geography, Art, Foreign Language Mayaweb ( A website report journaling the sites and culture we experienced) 3rd Grade


The high country in Guatemala is not for the accidental tourist. To be a true traveler, you must remember to take the culture as it is and to not compare it to American standards. The rural Mayan live very well and are accustomed to hard work, hard play and a dedication to traditional ways.

When traveling always pay attention to health issues. Nothing can ruin a trip faster than illness abroad. For our trip to Central America we went for travel immunizations, we also took malaria pills since were going to the high country, and we brought Cipro along just in case -for that intestinal bacterial infection sometimes associated with travel!

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta is a great place to find out what you may need to know about travel and health issues. Also, the US State Department issues travelers advisories regarding certain regions of the world. Both are worth a look. Remember to keep your passport current and make a copy of it and give it to a friend before you leave home in case you need to send for a copy. Loosing a passport in a foreign country can be a real hassle.

Tikal - Temple 6

Easter Procession

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